Digital-guided implant technology has revolutionized the tooth replacement process for doctors and patients.

At your consultation, a comprehensive 3D scan is done to assess your mouth and jaw to determine the most efficient route for your tooth removal. After discussing and assessing your restorative goals, a customized surgical guide is then created for you by Dr. Bak. The digitally-assisted surgery provides us with three dimensional viewpoints and more efficient control of surgical tools during the procedure. All of these details align to create a detailed, meticulous outline for your treatment.

There are many benefits to the use of digital-guided implant surgery. Some of these include:

  • Quicker, safer surgery and reduced chair time
  • Detailed mapping of the mouth to avoid vital structures like sinus cavities, nerves, or nearby healthy teeth
  • More precise placement of implants, therefore reducing this risk of improper placement
  • Decreased discomfort and pain
  • Quicker healing time

Digital-guided implant surgery allows us to place your implants in a digitally predetermined location with the highest accuracy, speed, and stability. The streamlined protocol gives your doctor an exact surgical map, eliminating the need to “eyeball it.” This results in a swift and smooth recovery as compared to traditional implant methods.

For more information on our services or to request an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (818) 705-3232.