bone graftWhat is bone grafting?

When you lose a tooth or have a tooth extracted, you may experience loss of bone in your jawbone. This is because the teeth stimulate the jawbone, so if you have lost one or more of your teeth your jawbone will start to deteriorate. Over time, you may experience enough bone loss in the jaw that dental implants won’t hold. When this is the case, we may recommend a procedure called bone grafting to augment the bone.

When will I need a bone graft?

Bone grafting can be done at the same time your tooth is extracted. This will minimize the bone lost after the extraction. It will take about five months for the bone graft to heal, at which point the implant can be placed. Placing a bone graft at the same time as extraction of a tooth is often recommended since it is a quick and easy procedure that will prevent the need for future bone grafting (which can often be more costly and difficult).

If it was not done at the time of extraction, you might need bone grafting before a dental implant can be placed. The implant needs to be placed securely in the bone, so when there is not enough bone in the area, bone grafting will be required prior to placement of the implant.

At BAK implant studio, we use the most advanced imaging technology to capture a 3D x-ray (CT Scan) from your jaw to determine if you have enough bone to hold the implant, prior to placement of the implant. This also allows us to preview the outcome with you digitally and ensure all of your questions are answered and you feel comfortable with the procedure.

We also offer Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF), which is a clot full of growth factors and immune cells, made out of your own blood. Mixing PRF with the bone graft will significantly increase the success of the treatment. It also promotes wound healing and reduces post-operative pain and discomfort. Learn more about PRF.

After you have received a bone graft, you will need to go home with antibiotics and pain medication. You may need to eat soft foods like pasta and JELL-O® while your mouth heals. It can take about six months to completely heal. At that time, we will be able to place your dental implants.

What do you use to augment the bone?

There are three types of bone grafts: autogenous, allograft, and xenograft.

Autogenous grafts use bone from another part of your mouth to enhance the jawbone. By using your own bone, we are reducing the chance that your jawbone will reject it.

Allografts use human bone, but not your own. Instead, we use bone from cadavers who have donated their bones to bone banks. This is considered safe because the bone goes through rigorous testing before its use is approved.

Xenografts use bone from other animals. The most commonly used source is cow bones. Xenografts are the most common source of bone grafting and typically our first choice, since the results are time-tested and typically very successful.

It is important to know that the benefit of using either allografts or xenografts is that our patients will not require a second surgery to harvest their bone. Also, both sources are readily available so we will have access to plenty of bone for whatever your care requires.


Please to contact us at (818) 705-3232 with any questions or to schedule an appointment.